Friday, July 15, 2005
Photo Friday Challenge
A cool thing to alter

So this is one of the remnants from our car getting backed into. I snatched it up because it just looks like the coolest thing to do something with....I'm just not sure what. Any ideas???
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Cool garage sale finds!
I had a fun time at some garage sales and estate sales today!!! I got a box of 85 slides for $2. They looked at me kind of wierd when I just bought the slides, and not the projector that came with it LOL. and I got a 1955 Popular Mechanics with tons of cool ads in it for a dime! My MIL was with me and couldn't see why I was so excited about the slides LOL. I found 2 packs of hockey cards for a quarter each, so now I can do my ATC's on those instead of playing cards! They were 1991 unopened packs, so dh went thru and looked at all the cards to see if there were any good cards. Thankfully there weren't LOL. I was really excited to find something for my kitchen too. It's (slowly) being decorated in a 1940's/50's theme. I have cool ads from old magazines on my walls. I found this old coffee can for a buck - I was so excited!!!

I also found some good kindergarten school books with unit studies in them, so now I don't have to plan all of my units! Which means most of my curriculum shopping is done LOL.

I also found some good kindergarten school books with unit studies in them, so now I don't have to plan all of my units! Which means most of my curriculum shopping is done LOL.
Blogging is addicting
It is really fun to blog and read other people's blogs. I was reading somewhere and they were saying how blogs have changed the internet; turning it from a vast library of information, into a conversation. Which it really is. It's so fun to go from one blog to the next, following the links in people's posts, or in their sidebars, and leaving little notes wherever I find something I can relate to.
2 more technique sheets
Here are two more pieces I did with the peeled paper technique. This is so much fun to do, and makes such good background pieces. It's oddly theraputic to rip the tape LOL. These are both torn pages out of a hymnal. The top one has vintage women in it, and I crumpled up the paper, and then inked it with teal and purple, and then rubbed silver ink over all the creases and sprinkled silver embossing powder on it and embossed. It still needs to be flattened. The second one has flowers on top of it (duh). Then I did a blue watercolor wash, and then sprinkled salt all over it, wiping the salt off when it dried. Kind of gave it a cool texture.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Peeled Paper Technique
These are a few pieces I did, using the Peeled Paper Technique. You can find out about it here Yahoo Group Art Explorations

This one was done with dictionary pages. After I peeled the tape, I placed more pieces down, and then did a blue watercolor wash. Then I tore up the other pieces of tape, revealing the white parts. Then I embossed copper all over the page.

This one was done with old pages torn from a book. I did 2 different shades of brown watercolor on top of it, and then did some gold embossing.

This one was done with torn dictionary pages. I dusted it with brown chaldk all over it, but didn't like the results. So then I added copper rub-ons. I had some loose pages, so I modge-podged all over the top of the page, blending the chalk and copper for a cool look. The brush that I used to modge also had gold ink on it, so there are some streaks of gold in the mix. This looks kind of messy in the picture, looks cooler IRL.

This one I thought I'd experiment with and used play money. I didn't like how it came out at all - maybe too many different colors? I don't know. So then I did a yellow acrylic wash, and still don't like it. Maybe I'll use it as a base for serendipity squares. Maybe....
This one was done with dictionary pages. After I peeled the tape, I placed more pieces down, and then did a blue watercolor wash. Then I tore up the other pieces of tape, revealing the white parts. Then I embossed copper all over the page.
This one was done with old pages torn from a book. I did 2 different shades of brown watercolor on top of it, and then did some gold embossing.
This one was done with torn dictionary pages. I dusted it with brown chaldk all over it, but didn't like the results. So then I added copper rub-ons. I had some loose pages, so I modge-podged all over the top of the page, blending the chalk and copper for a cool look. The brush that I used to modge also had gold ink on it, so there are some streaks of gold in the mix. This looks kind of messy in the picture, looks cooler IRL.
This one I thought I'd experiment with and used play money. I didn't like how it came out at all - maybe too many different colors? I don't know. So then I did a yellow acrylic wash, and still don't like it. Maybe I'll use it as a base for serendipity squares. Maybe....
Yahoo Groups I like
I'm not super active on all of them, but there is lots of inspiration in the files and photos of these groups!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
cool rubber cement technique
This is a cool technique that I just recently learned about and so I tried it out. This is actually my second try. My first try, I used too many different shades of green and yellow, so that the effect kind of blended in with all the colors. This time, it turned out - much more of a noticeable, dramatic effect.
First, I painted shades of pink watercolor in squares. (You can use any kind of paint)

I let that dry, and then took rubber cement, and painted that over the squares, and a little bit on the white. Then, after the rubber cement dried, I painted blue watercolor over both of the entire pages. I actually like how that turned out - the rubber cement provided a cool resist of the paint, and you can see how the blue paint kind of sits on top of the squares - looked really cool - I almost left it like that LOL.
Then, after the blue paint dried, I just took my fingers and rubbed off all of the rubber cement. So now the pink squares are uncovered and really stand out from the blue. I like the white that came thru too, where I dabbed the rubber cement in various places. It is really cool too, on some of the pink squares, you can see the brush strokes from the rubber cement - where the cement didn't hit the squares, so there is little strokes of blue in there. I really like this technique.

First, I painted shades of pink watercolor in squares. (You can use any kind of paint)

I let that dry, and then took rubber cement, and painted that over the squares, and a little bit on the white. Then, after the rubber cement dried, I painted blue watercolor over both of the entire pages. I actually like how that turned out - the rubber cement provided a cool resist of the paint, and you can see how the blue paint kind of sits on top of the squares - looked really cool - I almost left it like that LOL.

5 Coffee ATC's
These are 5 coffee themed ATC's I did yesterday. You know you're addicted to altering things when you get excited over junk mail. And instead of throwing it right away, you open it, wondering what goodies will be inside for you to use for ephemera!!! I got 'junk mail' from Gevalia coffee a few months ago and I've been hanging onto it, waiting for inspiration. My dh looked at them after I was done and said 'what are you doing these for???' Um, I don't know, honey. Just for art's sake LOL.

Monday, July 11, 2005
Tire blows
in a completely shameless attempt to get more ppl to look at my blog, LOL, and because I actually had a semi-exciting thing happen to me/us yesterday, I'm going to do the blog challenge on the 2peas board about writing about something we did this weekend. The challenge was supposed to be about something fun, but this wasn't, but I'm telling it anyway.
Last week, this lady backed into our car, while it was parked, across the street (and off the road) from her driveway, while in a construction site. (one would think you would be more cautious in a construction site - guess not). She totalled our car door - shattered the window, took the mirror off, huge hole in the door, knocked the speaker out..........what a hassle. Finally, after calling 16 junkyards, finally found a white door, and dh put the door on Saturday. (and our key even fits the new door LOL).
So, yesterday, we were taking BIL's car back to him (he let my dh borrow the car for work). I'm following right behind him in our white car and its new door. We're driving down the highway, and all of a sudden rubber and bits of dirt start flying up onto my windshield. My first thought is dh ran over some rubber and was knocking it up, but then I see dh pulling over onto the left side of the highway (which always freaks me out). I automatically pull over behind him and we get out to see what happened. The tread on the back tire was almost completely gone!!!! It's a very scary thing to just have a tire blow on you while travelling 70mph! We still don't know why it happened. So dh changed the tire while I watched. I really need to learn how to do it. Dh offered to teach me yesterday but I was too shaken from what happened, and being freaked out by being on the side of the highway where the fast lane is, so I didn't do it. (PSA - when there is a car on the side of the road, you are supposed to move over a lane so you are not driving next to them!!!) And then we finished the trip, going 50 on the highway with our hazards on. Oh, the joy of old cars LOL.
Last week, this lady backed into our car, while it was parked, across the street (and off the road) from her driveway, while in a construction site. (one would think you would be more cautious in a construction site - guess not). She totalled our car door - shattered the window, took the mirror off, huge hole in the door, knocked the speaker out..........what a hassle. Finally, after calling 16 junkyards, finally found a white door, and dh put the door on Saturday. (and our key even fits the new door LOL).
So, yesterday, we were taking BIL's car back to him (he let my dh borrow the car for work). I'm following right behind him in our white car and its new door. We're driving down the highway, and all of a sudden rubber and bits of dirt start flying up onto my windshield. My first thought is dh ran over some rubber and was knocking it up, but then I see dh pulling over onto the left side of the highway (which always freaks me out). I automatically pull over behind him and we get out to see what happened. The tread on the back tire was almost completely gone!!!! It's a very scary thing to just have a tire blow on you while travelling 70mph! We still don't know why it happened. So dh changed the tire while I watched. I really need to learn how to do it. Dh offered to teach me yesterday but I was too shaken from what happened, and being freaked out by being on the side of the highway where the fast lane is, so I didn't do it. (PSA - when there is a car on the side of the road, you are supposed to move over a lane so you are not driving next to them!!!) And then we finished the trip, going 50 on the highway with our hazards on. Oh, the joy of old cars LOL.
2 Peas MeMe challenge
a meme n (mëm): is an idea that is shared and passed from blog to blog, like a question posted in one blog and answered in many other blogs.
"How much closer we'd all be if we stopped long enough to honor one another in a circle of show-and-tell. If we listened to one another's stories, looked at each other's creations. We're all hungry for community. We need more ways to connect. Adults still need show-and-tell. Literally."
-Pam Grout "Art & Soul"
This week [July 10th] we are going to talk about music. I believe that our favorite music has alot to say about us so therefore, this challenge we are going to write about our
10 "Desert Island Discs"
this was a popular phrase back in the 90's which is just another way to say 10 discs that you would be happy that you had if you were they have to be your absolute favorite cd's...not just what's trendy..
10 (I can't believe I'm admitting to own this, let alone put this on my list LOL) Ashlee Simpson - Autobiography
9 Nine Days - The Madding Crowd
8 All Star United
7 Harry Connick Jr - Come By Me
6 Michael W. Smith - First Decade
5 Celtic Worship - Be Thou My Vision
4 DC Talk - Supernatural
3 Smalltown Poets
2 Jars of Clay - Much Afraid
1 (if I have to choose just 1 album)Audio Adrenaline - Some Kind of Zombie
"How much closer we'd all be if we stopped long enough to honor one another in a circle of show-and-tell. If we listened to one another's stories, looked at each other's creations. We're all hungry for community. We need more ways to connect. Adults still need show-and-tell. Literally."
-Pam Grout "Art & Soul"
This week [July 10th] we are going to talk about music. I believe that our favorite music has alot to say about us so therefore, this challenge we are going to write about our
10 "Desert Island Discs"
this was a popular phrase back in the 90's which is just another way to say 10 discs that you would be happy that you had if you were they have to be your absolute favorite cd's...not just what's trendy..
10 (I can't believe I'm admitting to own this, let alone put this on my list LOL) Ashlee Simpson - Autobiography
9 Nine Days - The Madding Crowd
8 All Star United
7 Harry Connick Jr - Come By Me
6 Michael W. Smith - First Decade
5 Celtic Worship - Be Thou My Vision
4 DC Talk - Supernatural
3 Smalltown Poets
2 Jars of Clay - Much Afraid
1 (if I have to choose just 1 album)Audio Adrenaline - Some Kind of Zombie