Friday, April 14, 2006
tissue paper invitations
These are some invitations I made for my dd's 5th birthday party. On the inside, it says 'Princess so-and-so is invited to a party, blah blah blah' and then on the envelope I stamped a gold crown on it and addressed it to each little princess we invited. I had the verse about Jesus being the King of Kings on the inside of each invitation - hence them being princesses.
The circles and stripes is pink/brown tissue paper I found at Hobby Lobby. Each invitation ended up being different. Most of them I painted and then smooshed the tissue paper, or white tissue paper, into the paint. I photocopied a couple of pages of the Cinderella fairy tale and painted it with homemade pink twinkling watercolors, and then tore them and glued them on. For a couple of them, I tried doing the elmer's glue crackle technique, but that didn't really work that well, at least not the way I wanted it too. I like how most of them turned out, tho.

The circles and stripes is pink/brown tissue paper I found at Hobby Lobby. Each invitation ended up being different. Most of them I painted and then smooshed the tissue paper, or white tissue paper, into the paint. I photocopied a couple of pages of the Cinderella fairy tale and painted it with homemade pink twinkling watercolors, and then tore them and glued them on. For a couple of them, I tried doing the elmer's glue crackle technique, but that didn't really work that well, at least not the way I wanted it too. I like how most of them turned out, tho.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
putting the Zine all together
Ok, finally. I have all my inserts gathered, all my handmade things done, all my pages bound it's time to put my zine together. I love this part. To see all this miscellaneous art stuff just sitting around, and then to see it turn into something so neat, is just really cool. If you've never made a zine but you think it might be fun, do it!! It's really not that intimidating or hard at all. Join TheGleanerZine or other groups on yahoo where they do swaps. It's great fun!

Because these were paste paper pages, I was a little wary of gluing things down. I wasn't sure if the glue would moisten the paste and cause it to run or lose it's texture, or what. Some of the pages are so textured, I wasn't sure if anything would glue flat to it, either. So, I decided to staple everything onto the pages. I also stapled the paper slips of text, just on one side so that you can flip the pieces of paper over and see the paste paper underneath. If I had glued it, a lot of the paste paper would have stayed hidden.
Here is my zine, page by page.
I made pockets by stapling small pieces of paper to the pages. I have a few goodies in the plastic bag, which is stapled on.

For the loose things, like the sample sheets and large ATC , I used paper clips to attach them to the page.

And then put it all into the envelope. The larger goodies from the first picture that didn't fit into the zine, I just stuck inside the envelope. That was what gave me the idea for the envelope.

When I was trying to come up with a name for the zine, I knew I wanted to have the word Compassion in the title. But I couldn't think up anything else to go with it. When the zine was finished and closed, I looked at it, with all of the tags and cards and paper sticking up out of it, and I said, gosh that zine is just overflowing. Bingo! So I was going to call it Overflowing Compassion. But that just didn't sound right. So I went to the thesaurus and looked up a synonym for overflowing, and found copious. So that's where the title came from.

Because these were paste paper pages, I was a little wary of gluing things down. I wasn't sure if the glue would moisten the paste and cause it to run or lose it's texture, or what. Some of the pages are so textured, I wasn't sure if anything would glue flat to it, either. So, I decided to staple everything onto the pages. I also stapled the paper slips of text, just on one side so that you can flip the pieces of paper over and see the paste paper underneath. If I had glued it, a lot of the paste paper would have stayed hidden.
Here is my zine, page by page.

For the loose things, like the sample sheets and large ATC , I used paper clips to attach them to the page.

And then put it all into the envelope. The larger goodies from the first picture that didn't fit into the zine, I just stuck inside the envelope. That was what gave me the idea for the envelope.

When I was trying to come up with a name for the zine, I knew I wanted to have the word Compassion in the title. But I couldn't think up anything else to go with it. When the zine was finished and closed, I looked at it, with all of the tags and cards and paper sticking up out of it, and I said, gosh that zine is just overflowing. Bingo! So I was going to call it Overflowing Compassion. But that just didn't sound right. So I went to the thesaurus and looked up a synonym for overflowing, and found copious. So that's where the title came from.

Mini-fold books
I also made some mini-fold books for the inside of the zine. These took quite awhile to make. They were almost like a mini-zine by themselves. I don't think I'd do this many again, LOL. If you click on the pictures, you'll see a bigger image so you can see them better.

Every single one of them are different. I'm just showing a couple of them. I was roughly following a fold book that was posted on one of the yahoo groups I'm on. I forget the exact template and sizes...I think it was a 6x12 piece of paper, and you fold it into various squares, so that you end up with about 10 pages all together. Some of these I glued a couple of the pages together and made them have 6 or 8 little pages. I used a colored paper clip to keep them closed.
I used quotes from a bunch of Rich Mullins songs.
"There's more that rises in the morning than the sun. And more that shines in the night than just the moon."

"I feel thunder in the sky, I feel the sky about to rain, and I hear the prairies calling out your name."
"And I'm not talking about your pie in the sky, that you good boys and girls get in the by and by, but rather the strength that you could find, if you've got the guts to try."

"And when life is done and the dance is through, I will know the joy of having needed You."
"I was blinded by the things I saw until I looked at you."

"Speak your heart and maybe you could shed light on the shadow of someone's doubt."
"Live like you'll die tomorrow, Die knowing you'll live forever, live right. Love like you'll leave tomorrow, believing love lasts forever, live right."

"And may peace rain down from Heaven, like little pieces of the sky. Little keepers of the promise falling on these souls."
"He was a stranger in this land, and I am that, no less than He."

Every single one of them are different. I'm just showing a couple of them. I was roughly following a fold book that was posted on one of the yahoo groups I'm on. I forget the exact template and sizes...I think it was a 6x12 piece of paper, and you fold it into various squares, so that you end up with about 10 pages all together. Some of these I glued a couple of the pages together and made them have 6 or 8 little pages. I used a colored paper clip to keep them closed.
I used quotes from a bunch of Rich Mullins songs.
"There's more that rises in the morning than the sun. And more that shines in the night than just the moon."

"I feel thunder in the sky, I feel the sky about to rain, and I hear the prairies calling out your name."
"And I'm not talking about your pie in the sky, that you good boys and girls get in the by and by, but rather the strength that you could find, if you've got the guts to try."

"And when life is done and the dance is through, I will know the joy of having needed You."
"I was blinded by the things I saw until I looked at you."

"Speak your heart and maybe you could shed light on the shadow of someone's doubt."
"Live like you'll die tomorrow, Die knowing you'll live forever, live right. Love like you'll leave tomorrow, believing love lasts forever, live right."

"And may peace rain down from Heaven, like little pieces of the sky. Little keepers of the promise falling on these souls."
"He was a stranger in this land, and I am that, no less than He."