Saturday, July 09, 2005

Altered Puzzle Piece

this is a puzzle piece I did for a swap.

cleaning and organizing

Ever have a mess that gets so bad it annoys you???? My scrapbooking/art room has gotten that way. When it's to the point where I can't even work on my desk without knocking a bucket of 500 silk flowers off my desk, over the ledge and down onto my kitchen floor.........then it's time to clean and organize. (Those flowers were a pain to clean up, btw) Part of my problem is I need to see all of my stuff to be inspired and to know how I want to use everything ends up being dragged out. I still have to organize the stuff on my desk so I can see it all better. But here, for your enjoyment is my awfully messy art area:

And finally, 50 minutes later....

This is my desk area that I still have to clean off and organize:


This is a very neat site, that helps keep track of all the blogs you are watching, and it lets you know when one has been updated. So now I don't have to sit and wade thru all of the blogs, looking for updated posts!!


Friday, July 08, 2005

Candid Photo

Okay, this is the photo for this weeks Photo Friday challenge - Candid.

Used Photo

So I found something really cool to take pictures of for the Used challenge of the Photo Friday site....then logged on to realize that today is Friday and they changed the challenge LOL. But I like my picture so I'm posting it anyway. This is our tension pulley and belt from our car that just got replaced, so no more squealing car! Yay! This is definatly a used item!!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Photo Friday

I don't have a picture yet for this, but I thought this was a cool site and a cool idea for people who like taking pictures!

Image hosted by

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Creative Inspiration!!!

Some inspiring blogs:

Monday, July 04, 2005

Back to Art

Ok, I'm going to try and make an intentional shift back to making this more about scrapbooking and artsy stuff.......hence the ATC's that I posted. I got inspired by Allison Strine today and had a fun time being artfully creative with a scrapbook layout, so here are the 2 pages I did. I did a lot of embossing - embossed on the page, embossed screen, painted screen, painted on the page......painted bottle caps, tags, painted on the pictures.....lots of fun stuff!!!

Page 2 of the layout

Page 1 of my layout

ATC 12

ATC 10 & 11




ATC 8 & 9

ATC 6 & 7



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