Saturday, August 06, 2005
garage sale finds!!!
I came home so excited this morning! I went to two garage/antique sales this morning and scored big! I found an old Spanish book, an old Latin book, an old German book, an old Shorthand book - which has pages and pages and pages of shorthand, which looks really cool. The paper in that is very thin, too so it should work great on atc's. I also got an old accounting/bookkeeping book and an old grammar book - all the books are 1920's/1930's - all for a dime each! Ah, ephemera galore. And they smell soooo good. I just love that musty, old book smell. I love new book smell too LOL. I'm a book addict. I also found a 1980 special anniversary edition of Farmer's Almanac, so it was printed on paper and made to look like it was even older, for a dime. What else....oh! I scored 2 record album book thingys. They have a sturdy cover and open up like a book, and inside is 3 sleeves to hold 3 records. I got 2 of those for a quarter! So today was a good day! I was especially thrilled over the latin and bookkeeping book - that's what I've been wanting for a few days now. Now, to go create :)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
links for vintage images
Some more ATC's
These were so much fun to do - I was just cracking up at all the funny ads they had back then (1955), and then matching them up to vintage images I have. This first one, I'm not even quite sure what it is - I think it is some sort of bladder control object.....doesn't make much sense to me but I thought it was very funny!

a kitchen magnet
I got some junk mail from a credit card company - I opened it, looking for goodies, and yay, I found one! They sent me a magnet. And since I don't want a magnet for a credit card on my fridge.....I gessoed it and then made this kitchen fairy. And then, I tore up all the papers from the credit card company that came with the magnet (minus the papers with my name and address on them!) and then put them all back in the envelope they provide for you, that says 'no postage required' and mailed their torn up junk mail back to them, for free. Cheap thrills LOL. Sorry, the picture is a tad blurry.

Sally Jean inspired ATC's
I joined a Sally Jean puzzle swap, because I love SJ's stuff, but I've never actually made anything like that. So I thought I'd practice first doing some ATC's for a swap, before I ruined a puzzle piece LOL. You can see Sally Jean's stuff HERE

Monday, August 01, 2005
Slide Mounts
these are some slides I did for a swap...The other person made up a kit with stuff for the slide, they send it to me and I decorate it, and mail it back to them. I can't wait to see what they did with my kits! The liquid plastics one is my favorite.