Friday, April 14, 2006

tissue paper invitations

These are some invitations I made for my dd's 5th birthday party. On the inside, it says 'Princess so-and-so is invited to a party, blah blah blah' and then on the envelope I stamped a gold crown on it and addressed it to each little princess we invited. I had the verse about Jesus being the King of Kings on the inside of each invitation - hence them being princesses.

The circles and stripes is pink/brown tissue paper I found at Hobby Lobby. Each invitation ended up being different. Most of them I painted and then smooshed the tissue paper, or white tissue paper, into the paint. I photocopied a couple of pages of the Cinderella fairy tale and painted it with homemade pink twinkling watercolors, and then tore them and glued them on. For a couple of them, I tried doing the elmer's glue crackle technique, but that didn't really work that well, at least not the way I wanted it too. I like how most of them turned out, tho.

Hi Sally,

What a fun blog.....your work is so colorful....just like your zine.
I love that you try so many techniques.

I hope you like your zines for the swap....
Thanks so much for sharing your
work-in-progress! Lovely zine!
Gail P.
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