Monday, February 07, 2005

A Stay-at-home-Mom makes a grocery list

The other day, I sat down with the goal of making out my grocery list. I gathered the week's ads, a pile of recipes to go through, and sat down at the table. The kids were quietly sitting on the couch watching a VeggieTales video.

I opened up the first ad and started perusing it. I made a note of the meat that was on sale. I wrote down a couple of items that were on sale that I wanted to buy. Then I hear 'Mom, the movie's done.' So out into the living room I go, and change movies. (so they don't always sit and watch movies, but it does come in handy sometimes)

I come back to the table and sit down. I open up the second ad. "Mom, I'm hungry. I want 'unch' ". I sigh. Ok, fine. I make a couple of PB sandwiches, and put them on a plate with some crackers, give them to the kids.

Sit back down. Finish going thru the second ad. "Mom, I'm firsty." Big sigh. Ok. I pour a 50/50 mix of milk and water into a couple sippy cups and give them to the kids.

Sit back down. Pull out my pile of recipes, and do a quick sort of what sounds good, and what I know I don't want to make over the next couple of weeks.

"Mom, movie's done." Ok. It's noon now. Time for playtime in their rooms. Aiden goes into his room, gate up, Alysa goes into her room.

Back to the kitchen.

I pull out the recipes that I liked, and start comparing the ingredients to what is on sale. Start writing a list from one ad. "Mom, I went potty. Come wipe me, please."

Off to the bathroom. Wipe, wash hands. Go back to the kitchen. "Mom, I want to go in Aiden's room."

Huge sigh. Go lift Alysa over the gate. Go back to the kitchen. Open up the second ad and compare my recipes to it. Start writing down more things to buy. "Mom, can we go in my room? Aiden wants to go in my room." "yeah, Nin's room". Can I sigh any harder? How hard is it to leave me alone for more than 15 minutes???? I go put both kids in the other bedroom.

Back to the kitchen, again. Finish writing the list from the recipes. Start writing in other household items I need to buy. "Mom, I went potty again."

Off to bathroom. Wipe, wash. Put her back in her room. Go back to kitchen. Finally finish my list, 2 hours after I started. And I wonder, how can I be so exhausted, when all I did was make out a grocery list??????

not really anon...just don't have time to
sign up. i loved reading the grocery list entry sally!
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